Grow your plant from a humble shoot to a mighty redwood!
(or oak, or pine, or palm....or something)

Click near the seed or the tips of shoots to grow branches or roots.
Roots collect water.
Hold ctrl and click to sprout leaves and collect sunlight.
Hold alt and click to enlarge sections of the plant.

Roots/branches/leaves cost water and sunlight to grow.
Cost depends on:
1. how for the segment is from the seed
2. how much stuff you already have

Mousewheel to zoom, arrow keys/WASD to move camera.

Make sure your trunk and branches are strong enough to support your weight!

Full screen recommended - your resources and income rates are displayed in the top left corner.

Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsCasual, grow, growing, Ludum Dare 34, plant, tree
LinksLudum Dare


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why cant i enlarge something even though i have what i need?

Deleted 233 days ago

pls help

okay soo my trackpad cant do it....

buut my wired mouse can.


I found a bug 

I started a plant but in a while the top part just disconnected and fell while still getting resources from it.


uh can you make an option so i can make a pine tree?

(1 edit)

Fun and laid bac 
